As i lay and toss around in bed,
i have so many thoughts running through my head,
and especially in the past few nights,
with my incessant coughing,
it's been impossbible to get to sleep,
and there are so many things i feel like
i need to do, need to say, need to write down...
Hardly know where i should start,
probably this gonna be a very long post,
to some interesting confessions hahaz.
Shall start off by thanking some of the friends
i met in the army for changing my perception of life.
I mean i do not have much recollections of my army
days, and truth is... I've never felt i could
connect with everyone fully, i mean usually you guys
help me more than i help you all, and i've always
felt no one is someone i would bare my soul to,
it has always felt the the things that i place concern
and emphasis on isn't the same as the things you guys
focus on.
Wellz, 2 years onz, the interaction changed a lil,
truth is, in hindsight, i think evreyone that I have met has touched
me in some way or other, and changed me into the person
i am now.
Like andy for example, always so willing to help others,
to the point that everyone was 'taking advantage' of you
in some way or another, and you're so willing and
enthusiastic to the point everyone takes you for granted.
Well, thanks for all the favours you have done me, hahaz,
like scanning my 11b for brekkie, helping us get the off pass signed,
well, it's the little things that count,
and i know you do it out of goodness of your heart.
And that's the way i believe it should be,
and i find myself doing things for people more naturally,
like it's just coming out of your heart,
and when you take away the motive and intentions away,
the joy will come when you make someone else happy,
and not when you receive any favours back.
So andy, hahaz, glad you exempliflied this over the years i met you. =P
You know, we can meet so many kinds of friends in our lives,
and i feel we can classify them into 4 basic categories,
1. Those that would help you if you ask them
2. Those that would help you after they've deliberated that they
have the time and resources
3. Those that would help you if there's something in it for them,
whether to impress, repaying a favour... just some agenda
4. Those that would help you unconditionally
I msut admit i am all kinds of friends to the people around me,
it just happens, and these categories are defeintely not mutually exclusive.
You know, i only wish i was more of a class 4 friend to more people around me,
but is it possible to give and give without getting tired at any point?
Probably a yes,
but probably something not easily attainable as well.
Hmmm, moving on, ermm... looks!
i must admit that i do rather feel insecure with my looks, =( ,
hahaz, and i really do hate my complexion.
i mean i KNOW it bothers me quite a bit,
but i realise i do have a lot of more important things to worry about
sometimes, and that kind of takes away my attention.
Hmmm, how do i describe best how i feel?
Ahh, like you have a perpatual niggling injury that you can't shake off,
something that constantly reminds you it's there.
Speaking of which,
I've decided to go do a chemical peel again sometime next week,
hopefully there'll be some improvement though i know it's gonna be minute,
hahaz, and i'll prob be just doing nothing at home for about maybe a week.
Well, insecurities, I'm sure everyone has them,
I have mine too, not that I'm being candid,
but wellz, perhaps the first step to overcoming them... is to face them
more openly.
And i must admit, i do judge people i've met for the first times by
their looks, i mean.. it's just something that i think we cannot change.
We critically appraise people we see, and much as we do not want to admit
it, attraction to looks is still very much a factor, however small
it might have dwindled to,
when we get smitten by someone's elses looks,
you know,
your beliefs, opinions, perceptions of the person will be altered,
even to the point we do not want to admit to ourselves that it has,
and attraction, emotions, feelings of love, they can be all
so strong when we experience it for the first time,
to the point where everyone of us have vastly different beliefs
that we cling on to depending on what we've experienced in
our own lives.
There will never be a right and wrong,
because faith is blind,
and love is blind,
the person compromising oneself so much in the name of love
might be a much happier person than you think,
the person in love could seem to be oblivious to
a lot of things but who is to say the person is unhappy.
Perhaps, perhaps,
the best thing to do is to let everyone figure out their own lives,
cause for whatever good and bad that might happen to them,
at least they will feel like they're in control of their own destiny.
It is impossible to bear self grudge for too long,
for there is everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Is it so?
Caught this quote from the 9pm show on channel 8,
'it is very easy to recognise what someone is good for,
but alot of courage and resignation to recognise someone's flaws.'Hmmmz, true?
I remember my first crush. It was what people would call
love at first sight. I mean, I understand how it feels.
Strange it would be that you would set your eyes on someone,
and you just start having those weird fluffy feelings,
someone who you have seen for the first time in your life,
someone whom you do not even know.
Up till now, i still remember where i first 'met' her,
it's a weird thing,
impression and memories,
some memories might be so much better, but we lose them,
but we never quite lose our first few impressions of love,
even though there probably was nothing there.
It takes a lot to know someone, how can we love someone
we do not know? Even if we think we know, how much do we know?
One can hardly say it is possible to know anyone else
like the palm of their hands,
wells, unless they display some kind of telepathy to me.
I remember when there was a time
where glances and looks mean so much,
and there was a thrill in just seeing someone move,
where you observe someone's behaviour around you
and start formulating theories,
i remember a time where i was even too shy to talk to a girl,
i remember a time where someone could leave me tongue tied,
or make me blush the crimsomest red....
Well, that was a long time back,
probably a lot of things wouldn't mean as much to me now,
perhaps individually i feel i've seen a lot,
the same as everyone else,
but i guess there's still a hell lot of things i have not learned,
so it is best to live life with a very open mind.
Perhaps i've mellowed,
but there are so many things that only time could tell,
even what i think is right, what i believe,
i might never find the answer to them.
Relationships... i must admit, it would be nice to have one,
i mean having someone there with a unspoken promise is a great thing.
Perhaps relationships should be kept a simple thing, i realise
that though i've never been in one, i realise i have thoughts that
might complicate things, especially insecurites about oneself.
It would be great if one day, a 'simple' relationship would come along,
i've modified this quote,
"We are equal in a relationship, just that you will be more equal than
i am. "hahaz, that shall be my motto.
I believe love is most beautiful thing in the world,
and that there is no one person in the world that can be more beautiful
tha love itself, though i said earlier that attraction may be influenced
by looks, there are many other things else,
and none of that matters when you're in love.
no physical changes can alter how beautiful the person is in your heart.
I think I'm a very emotional person, if i've decided to do anything,
i will be totally passionate abt it.
Some people say you can only love someone else if you're complete,
i choose to believe that love is what completes 2 individual,
individually, no one will ever be complete or strong enough,
even the most confident person,
needs his/her other half to feel whole.
i know this is very much a mindset thing, perhaps penning down this post
means more to myself than to anyone that might be reading it.
Last thing is... i must admit melbourne is a very lonely place,
in a way it's like being sent to the army,
just that this time it's my choice,
i'm doing something that i want to,
and I'll cope much better than i did the other time round.
You know, it would be such a pity that after five or six years
i still feel distant from everyone,
well, for a start, maybe i should pay more attention to the people around me,
"listen with both ears, and speak with my heart more often".
Though i must say, the last year has been rather amazing,
and there's nothing that i have done that i would have changed...
Such a random and long post, probably lost some of the meaning
due to my inadequate vocabulary, hahaz! =P
Any, for now so it is, my post-reflections at age 21, 2 and a half month latez.
May the coming year be a great one for everyone.
*naggy me*
There's only one thing i like about Liverpool FC,
go figure...
Winner gets a big prize.